DONATH stands for certified quality!
We fulfill the highest industry standards – worldwide.
We are convinced that the quality of a service is the only criteria that really counts, and this is true all over the world. For this reason, everything we do is aimed at always providing our customers the best possible service to meet their personal relocation needs. The high satisfaction level of our customers demonstrates that we meet their expectations of us: 95% would choose DONATH again for their next move. The remaining 5% are our daily motivation to be even better. For this reason we have voluntarily committed ourselves to maintaining strict industry standards.
Our certifications:
The FAIM PLUS seal of approval is the leading certification award for international relocation service providers. We already comply with this high industry standard since 2000 and subject ourselves to regular inspections that repeatedly check our services and performance.
DONATH Relocation is a full member of EuRA (European Relocation Association) and is bound by their ethics and Rules of Conduct. The stated aim of EuRA is to spread knowledge and understanding of the issues surrounding employee mobility. Further, EuRA enhances industry performance standards by communication and education.
DONATH Relocation obtained the EuRA Global Quality Seal Plus on 24.02.2010.
Based on an ISO 9001 process management model, the EuRA Global Quality Seal GQS+ specifies the processes and KPIs, which reflect the very highest standards in relocation services as well as relocation related services. As a full member awarded with the EuRA Global Quality Seal Plus, DONATH Relocation demonstrates a total commitment to quality.
ISO 9001
We have fulfilled the eight fundamentals of quality management since 1998 because customer orientation is very important to us. We carry out regular internal and external audits to continually improve our performance. (Language: German)
ISO 14001
This international standard is the most important standard worldwide for environmental management that a company can fulfill. We are very proud to have been certified to ISO 14001 since 2011. (Language: German)
Environmental protection is a very important part of our corporate policy. We therefore expect our partners and suppliers to implement and work in accordance with all legal environmental requirements, to comply with environmentally friendly order processing and to sensitize their employees to this issue.
To read our environmental policy, please click on the following link:
To see our certification, please click on the following link:
Umzugsqualitä is an initiative of cooperating removal companies in Germany. With the common brand “Umzugsqualität” a distinguishing feature was brought to life. This brand communicates the advantages of these moving companies to the general market and provides customers with clear and precise information to give guidance on what sets these quality minded companies apart from other providers in today’s “provider jungle”. Those who carry out their move with a cooperating moving company, benefit from uniformly high quality standards and binding service promises that can be relied upon. For the commercial or private move this means more reliability & transparency in the calculation, more professionalism in the planning, more competence in the execution, more flexibility for additional requirements. As a member of confern, DONATH is proud to be a part of this cooperation. (Language: German)
Together with 18 regional associations and over 1,000 members in Germany, the “Bundesverband Möbelspedition und Logistik (AMOE)” is the leading organization of German furniture transporters. DONATH is a member of the AMOE and has been checked by the responsible authorities for compliance with the legal requirements of the industry (qualifications, performance and personal reliability). (Language: German)